Our Soul Knows.  Radiant Soul Balancing is listening to the body while coming into alignment with your inner knowing.  My Guidance has said that healing is not the objective.  Death of the physical body is healing in a way.  What I have come to understand is peace.  The body regenerates.  If I had a dollar for every time PATIENCE has come forward….

This practice for me has become lifestyle.  I practice breath, contemplation and listening every morning.  The key is to know and coming into “knowing” can be challenging and difficult.  The mind is busy.  Judgement can be debilitating.  However, when I began to feel the flow of peace that was enough.


Radiant Soul Balancing

Through the breath we move through all systems of your body to bring Divine Energy into you.  Then, there is a period of stillness and listening.  The “bubbling ups” begin to come forward and we use these to formulate messages designed to renew, regenerate and rejuvenate.  This experience is inside-out.  From your inner landscape to your daily living, the energies and insights of your Radiant Soul reveal and support you through your personal journeys.

  • Based on understand the energetic components of I AM
  • Creating an awareness of how we language our evolutions
  • Breath work and journalling are key components
  • Consistent practice everyday is best for feeling the evolution
  • wonderful to experience in an individual session or with a group