The Mindfulness of Healing.


On April 9, 2021 I received two phone calls.  The first was that I was going to have to move out of my rental unit.  The second was that my doctor was recommending chemotherapy. I honestly did not know how I was going to get through it all.  The blessing was that the property management group had given me five months notice. I did what I always do… I got quiet and began to breathe I AM.  On the surface these were both impossibles.  Big I DON”T KNOW HOW’s.   This is not the venue to go into the expanded story however I will say that help, resources and love arrived in a very poignant and humbling way,

The chemo was going to be a journey.

I did not accept IV chemo when I was first diagnosed.  Now with the tumor markers rising and seemingly nothing I was doing was influencing the numbers I went into Guidance.  I was told there would be eight treatments.  The doctor had prescribed six.  I found an alternative lower dose that had been researched and effective.  Feeling Guided and comforted I agreed to the chemo.

The treatments were mildly effective. Then they were not. Another series was ordered.  Remember my Guidance had said eight not six. My doctor left.  A new doctor came and he put me on another course of treatment because by now if was clear the chemo was not doing what is was supposed to be doing.   Well, the first doctor had kept me on a medicine that was negating the effectiveness of the chemo.

During these first eight treatments I had been going into deep spiritual immersions.  The treatments were about 4 hours in length.  I arrived like I was moving in.  There were three bags:  The one carrying my spiritual tools.  The bag carrying my support tools. The third bag had my food and nutritional support.  I had virtually little to no side effects.  I would go deep into my immersion and come out just about the time the treatments were finishing. At one point I had described the session as “glorious” I was so deep into the immersion.

Those last four treatments kicked my butt.

I was in my bed crying, asking my body to forgive me.

I was so weak, so very weak.

I had the usual chemo side effects.

I did not want to see or talk to anyone.

I saw my brain literally spiritually separate and tear.

I could not remember anything. Fog and confusion.

What was the difference between the two series.  I was unable to get into a full spiritual immersion. I did not believe in chemo in general and now I was four treatments over what my Guidance had said and I tanked!

I was on the mat.  Literally, my room is large enough and I put a mat on the floor, created a new healing grid and started what I could remember to do and what spirit guided me to do.  It has taken 3 months and counting.  The lessons, the humility and the dedication was beyond me I was too weak to get there.

As soon as I could remember my original sequencings I recorded a couple.  There has been so many new downloads I could even begin to get them organized. I would reply me to me from the Sacred Qi YouTube Channel.

AS ALWAYS THANK YOU TO MY CREW.  They stayed away.  Checked on me. Gave me the space to heal.  There really was not much they could do.  This healing was not linear.  There was very little, if I do this then that will happen.  I have been and continue to be deep into my personal immersion. My Guidance was present and gentle but firm. New inner work came forward. At one point all I could do is lay in the grid.

The Divine is Dynamic Creation

This is what I experienced.  Healing – moving from an undesired state into a desired state is not linear.  It is extremely personal and I trust my Guidance implicitly.  Healing is a state of humility, release, acceptance, allowance and compassion.

This experience was not cancer centric.  As I have listened to others with physical challenges I have heard similar stories. There is no process.  It is a unique experience.  Spirituality is your own unique experience regardless of the circumstance.

The principle never changes.  I now have the constants.  I know that there is divine order, humility, sacred qi, etc.  If there is fluidity and change in the my heart then I am not in the G-d Chakra. G-d is undefined, dynamic energy that is available in the exact right way for each of us.

The Mindfulness of Healing is breath, prayer, contemplation, discernment through the I AM that is Love, Peace, Mercy and Grace. There is so much more that I could say.  However, as my Guidance always says….That is enough for now. I am still on the mat allowing my Self to merge into Source and remember that It and I are One Sacred Qi.

Namaste Blessings.