The Saturday Between

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Leaning Into The Suffering

The Saturday Between

The Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday created a blessing that will become part of my Spring rituals of self ministry. I am affectionately calling it, “Leaning Into The Suffering.” Whether it is my suffering or connecting to the tangential crisis of a larger community, the connection to The Divine was humbling and graceful.


Last week I faced a four hour period of WTH that hit almost every facet of my living circumstances. This leaning in revealed a calm. For while there were no solutions present, each was delivered with such care that I know that these circumstances of change are full of Divine Grace. I didn’t panic but, I definitely paused. Then on Friday the next bit of news came and I went to bed asking, “Show me The Way.” My code for the only way out of this is God.
Saturday after a long walk with my dog Priya, sitting in my recliner, I felt the internal shift. I spent most of the day on YouTube listening to channels, meditations and prayers by Jesus.
My relationship with Jesus is that He is the Healer, the Redeemer and the Consciousness. Jesus was a man who Got It. I always know because he did, I can.
Saturday, as was revealed to me, was a day of great suffering, pain and the passageway to the physical death. We die and we transcend. My Guidance instructed me to lean into what was happening. Lean deeply. Remarkably, there was not any fear. I sat with my circumstances like I was having tea with each. Knowing that I must allow the passageways to become fully present in order to enter into these endings to transcend each. It was like I had to get onto the path and just be there.
There were no instructions or ah ha’s. Just Presence. I know that these changes are purposeful, not the cliche spiritual purposeful that has gotten me through, "the fake it until you make it" spiritual postering. As I leaned in I could feel the spirit of each change.
Sunday morning’s first thought of the day was this:
The Healer & The Consciousness blesses us with Divine Grace. A love beyond all reason and seasons. The Energy of Christ is present today. Rest in it and allow its respiration to inspire you to love beyond all reason and through all seasons. It is your rebirthing day. Let me live my life with humility.
In the physical secular I have no idea how, on a very practical basis, all of these items are going to get resourced, resolved and completed. I do know this, by leaning into each in such a deeply intimate way, these challenges are now familiar and not looming like a dark stranger in the shadows getting ready to pounce on me. Through leaning into Jesus’ suffering it was like the Christed Consciousness took my suffering and transported me into Peace.
Through Thy Will, Thy Will BE Done. Let me live my life with humility.
Blessings. Amen.
On the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, for many years to come, I will lean into the suffering and accept His gifts of transcendence as well as The Divine Presence.

Amen. Alleluia. Peace.

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I live my belief system everyday. My spirituality is a lifestyle. It didn't change since being diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer. My understanding of the Divine has gotten deeper and more intimate. I AM BLESSED. I AM Happy.
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